26 November 1986
To a National Spiritual Assembly
Dear Bahá’í Friends,
The International Teaching Center has referred to the Universal House of Justice your letter of 29 September 1986 in which you seek comment on the draft of the letter you plan to send to the Local Spiritual Assembly of ...for the guidance of...,a believer who has written an article entitled, "The Infallibility of the Prophets."
The House of Justice has studied your draft response and . . .‘s paper in which he concludes, by means of logical analysis, based in part on his understanding of an article by Mr. Juan Ricardo Cole on the Tablet of Wisdom, that Bahá’u’lláh, and indeed all the Prophets of God, are not infallible. . . . expresses the opinion that attempts to resolve apparent contradictions in the Writings by seeking a broader context only serve to create insoluble logical difficulties, and he indicates that he is aware that the Institutions of the Faith may not agree with his views causing his status as a Bahá’í to be called into question. We are instructed by the Universal House of Justice to make the following reply.
. . .‘s article raises fundamental issues about the station of the Manifestations and Their authority, as well as about the nature of individual interpretation.
It is clear from a study of the Text that infallibility is an essential attribute of the Manifestation of God. Bahá’u’lláh wrote:
... the Most Great Infallibility is confined to the One Whose station is immeasurably exalted beyond ordinances or prohibitions and is sanctified from errors and omissions. . ..
. . . Were He to pronounce right to be wrong or denial to be belief. He speaketh the truth as bidden by God. This is a station wherein sins or trespasses neither exist nor are mentioned. (Tablets of Bahá'ulláh Revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, pp. 108, 109)
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in Some Answered Questions, stresses the inseparability of "essential infallibility" from the Manifestation of God, and states: