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Seat of the Universal House of Justice; New Arrangements for Pilgrims

16 June 1963

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear friends,

The Universal House of Justice has been deeply moved and its hopes have been raised high by the many messages of love, devotion and eager anticipation which have been received from National Conventions and National Spiritual Assemblies.

Two decisions have been taken by the Universal House of Justice involving a further development of the institutions at the World Centre. The former offices of the International Bahá'í Council at 10 Haparsim Street being inadequate for the far greater volume of work facing the Universal House of Justice, it has been decided to take over the whole of this building (until now called the Western Pilgrim House) as the seat, for the present time, of the Universal House of Justice.

This decision made it necessary to find other accommodation for the western pilgrims and led directly to the second decision. After careful consideration of the alternatives the House of Justice has decided that the time has come to take the significant step, anticipated by our beloved Guardian, of housing all pilgrims in one place. It was found possible, by slight alterations, to accommodate all pilgrims, without lessening the number, in the former Eastern Pilgrim House and its adjacent buildings. We have therefore established one Pilgrim House, at the Bahá'í Gardens on Mount Carmel. The friends should note that this is where they should go on arrival.

All friends whose pilgrimages have been confirmed for 1963-64 are therefore expected. There are still vacancies after December 1963, but only a very few before that date.

We have asked the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land to continue to be responsible for the programme of the pilgrims while they are here, but letters requesting permission to come should be addressed to the Universal House of Justice.

With loving greetings,

In His Service,
The Universal House of Justice
(Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963-1986)