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7 September 1983: To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear Baha'i friends,

As you are probably aware, 1985 has been designated by the United Nations as International Youth Year, and the Baha'i International Community is taking preliminary steps to set up a programme for the involvement of the world-wide Baha'i community in this event, in close co-operation with the United Nations and its agencies, such as UNICEF. The purpose of this letter is to request your National Assembly to determine how the Baha'i youth in your country can, to the extent practicable, participate in general youth activities which are being proposed by the United Nations for International Youth Year, as well as in specific Baha'i projects of service to the local community or to the country as a whole.

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, established by the United Nations' General Assembly in 1946 to provide relief for children in devastated areas.  It also seeks to feed destitute children and to prevent childhood diseases.  In 1953 it was made a permanent UN organization. The Baha'i International Community has consultative status with UNICEF.

Your National Spiritual Assembly should be alert as to whether your government is making any plans to observe International Youth Year, and if so, you should consider the steps you could take in setting up or participating in projects associated with this event. Such activities should be planned, of course, in consultation with the Baha'i International Community, which is coordinating and monitoring such efforts. Participation of this kind by the Baha'i youth would not only add to the prestige of the Faith and demonstrate its humanitarian character, but would also act as a rallying point for the youth, strengthening them in their role in the Faith and training them to organize themselves for future services to this blessed Cause.

The Universal House of Justice will be anxious to learn of your plans to participate in this important event.

With loving Baha'i greetings,

Department of the Secretariat

(‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963-1986’)