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Pioneer Goals for Remainder of Six Year Plan

14 May 1987

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

We have been asked by the Universal House of Justice to send this list of pioneer goals, which represents the minimum need for pioneers to settle within the next two years of the Six Year Plan. The goals for the Eastern European countries and the USSR are envisioned to cover the entire period of the Plan.

Formulated in consultation with the International Teaching Center, this first pioneer call has taken into consideration the requests for pioneers set forth by National Spiritual Assemblies. As the Bahá’í community grows and matures, its needs become more specialized and this call reflects the degree to which pioneers are needed for specific regions and to perform specific functions once they arrive at their posts.

While the settling of international pioneers is imperative, the House of Justice also wishes to emphasize the importance of homefront pioneering, which, in the majority of countries, is one of the most effective means of promoting and consolidating the Cause. You should feel free to seek assistance from the Continental Boards of Counselors, other National Spiritual Assemblies, and the Continental Pioneer Committees towards the realization of your pioneer goals.

The Universal House of Justice wishes to express its appreciation of the sacrificial services rendered by both international and homefront pioneers throughout the world. It looks forward to seeing the results of further achievements in the pioneering field and will offer prayers in the Holy Shrines for the successful fulfillment of these sacred responsibilities.

With loving Bahá’í greetings, 

Department of the Secretariat

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1986-2001)