6 December 1965
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United
Dear Bahá'í friends,
We have received a number of inquiries as to the translation
and publication of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas from friends who are unable to read it in
its original form. We feel the following extract from a letter written on
behalf of the beloved Guardian by his secretary dated 27 December 1941,
addressed to the National Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma clarifies this
“The reason it [the Kitáb-i-Aqdas] is not circulated amongst
all the Bahá'ís is, first, because the Cause is not yet ready or sufficiently
matured to put all the provisions of the Aqdas into effect and, second, because
it is a book which requires to be supplemented by detailed explanations and to
be translated into other languages by a competent body of experts. The
provisions of the Aqdas are gradually, according to the progress of the Cause,
being put into effect already, both in the East and the West. ...”
As is well known, the beloved Guardian has already given in
God Passes By, pp. 214-15, a summary of the contents of this Most Holy Book,
and included the codification of all the laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas as one of
the objectives of the Ten Year Crusade. It is the intention of the Universal
House of Justice to achieve this objective by publishing a synopsis and
codification of these laws during the current Nine Year Plan.