Dear Baha'i friends,
It has become apparent that in some areas the progress of
the teaching work requires closer collaboration between Auxiliary Board members
and National or Regional Teaching Committees than heretofore. Following
consultation with the International Teaching Centre on the matter, we have
concluded that the possibilities provided by the present policy are adequate
and that where a lack of collaboration has been felt it has arisen from an
insufficiently full and frequent exchange of information between the
While the members of the Auxiliary Boards and their
assistants should never attempt to direct the work of committees or become
involved in the administrative work associated with the committees' functions,
it is absolutely vital that they be kept fully informed of the committees'
activities and plans and their hopes for the work in the area. Only then can
the members of the Auxiliary Boards be confident that the services to which
they are exhorting the believers and the projects in which they are encouraging
them are in harmony with the overall plans and objectives of the National
Spiritual Assembly and its committees.
The existing policy and the reasons for it were conveyed to
the Continental Boards of Counsellors and all National Spiritual Assemblies in
our letter of 1 October 1969, a copy of which is attached. It should be noted
that under this policy it is permissible and highly desirable to have a direct
and regular exchange of information between the committees and the Auxiliary
Board members. Moreover, at the outset of the work of the year or at times
during the year when new plans are being evolved, it is often helpful to
arrange for consultations to be held between the Auxiliary Board members and
the National or Regional Teaching Committees before such plans are finalized.
We are confident that a greater awareness of the importance
of close collaboration between the two arms of the Administrative Order and of
the ways available to achieve this will lead to a much-needed intensification
of the teaching work in every land.
With loving Baha'i greetings,
The Universal House of Justice
(Messages from the Universal House of Justice, ‘1963-1986’)